Welcome to The Methodist Way of Life
This is the second “stopping off” point in the journey of A Methodist Way of Life. The theme will be “Worship,” with a special focus on the Psalms.
The Psalms were a core part of Jesus' prayer life. They have been the backbone of prayer and worship for Christians ever since.
As we move from 'Prayer' to 'Worship' in our exploration of a Methodist Way of Life, this is a chance to embed the psalms in your own prayer life and Sunday worship.
The resources are two-fold:
A. For groups meeting during the week, Monday to Thursday. There is a folded A4 leaflet for each of 8 sessions. Each session is planned for 90 minutes and incorporates a recap, 2 or 3 psalms, two points of conversation and discussion, some input, a gospel reading from Luke, and a trail for the next session. It is hoped that participants will not only take part in these sessions but will make space to pray through 3 psalms each day. A reading scheme gives a schedule for reading/praying through the whole book of Psalms over the 50 days encompassed by the 8 sessions. The reading scheme also contains some helpful suggestions and background.
B. For Sunday worship: These resources give some ideas for how the psalm set in the Lectionary for that Sunday could be used. There is also a resource for those working with children/young people relating to the same set of 8 psalms, which could be used at any time during that week.
If we want to grow more like Jesus, then daily praying and reading the Psalms is a vital practice​​​​
Week 1:
Week 2:
Starting Monday
Starting Tuesday
Week 3:
Starting Wednesday
Week 4:
Starting Thursday
Week 5:
Week 6:
Worship Resources
Week 7:
Week 8:
Children's Resource Pack
Psalm Quiz
Worship Leaflet (for Groups, Week 8)
Publicity Flier (editable in Word)
If there is anything else you need to know, then you are welcome to Richard Sharples, who prepared this section of the MWoL Journey, at richard.sharples@methodist.org.uk
Meanwhile, enjoy exploring the resources and materials. I pray that you will find them helpful as we explore worship more deeply over the next few months.
How can I connect and find out more?
Use the buttons below
Click on this button to be taken to the sign up page to receive a fortnightly MWoL Update email packed with news, updates and helpful resources.
Here is the special Facebook Group dedicated to the Cleveland and Danby MWoL initiative.
Join for discussions, ideas, encouragement,
Video content, inspiration and explainers about this exciting project.
There's not much there right now, but it will grow and develop over time...

Introducing The Methodist Way of Life
The Bible is packed with incredible journeys—The Exodus, The Exile, The return to Jerusalem, and Paul's exciting missionary trips. And we often talk about journeys as a picture of our faith today.
We say stuff like, "God has shown me so much about trusting him through different situations on the journey." We talk about God being with us during tough times, and we might reflect on how "I've learned a lot in my faith journey since my dad passed away."
These phrases help us think of faith as a journey. When we say "journey," we see faith as a lifelong process—not just a destination.
When my kids were little, we tried to make the journey part of the holiday from when we started packing. Partly, it was an attempt to stop the constant question, “Are we nearly there yet….”
It didn’t always work—but it often made the journey itself fun!
It’s just the same with our faith in Jesus. We’re not simply marking time before eternity; we are living an adventure—growing closer to who we are meant to be.
So, when we use the word "journey," we're all about growth. It’s a journey with changes, transitions, challenges, and adventures.
When I think of my life with Christ as a journey, suddenly, I'm open to surprises. I'm ready for unexpected moments where I can connect with God. Challenges and changes? Bring 'em on! The journey mindset helps me embrace the unknown and welcome whatever comes my way.

What if there was a way to explore my faith as a journey? Welcome to The Methodist Way of Life
Let’s have a quick recap of the 12 "stopping-off" points along the way.
Pray: We pray daily
Worship: We worship with others regularly
Notice: We notice God in the Bible and the world
Challenge: We challenge injustice
Flourish: We care for creation and all God’s gifts
Service: We help people in our communities and beyond
Tell: We tell of the love of God
Live: We live in a way that draws people to God
Share: We share our faith
Care: We care for ourselves and those around us
Learn: We learn more about our faith
Open: We practice hospitality and generosity

The Cleveland and Danby Circuit has asked me to work with the Circuit Leadership Team to promote and provide resources for The Methodist Way of Life across our circuit.
This is not a quick fix—the journey will take several years as we want to dig deep and take our time to explore meaningfully. Remember—it’s not about getting to the destination; the journey itself will be lots of fun!
Here are a few words of introduction for those who haven’t met me yet. I’m a recently retired minister living in Guisborough. I’ll give a chunk of time every week to resource and encourage us in The Methodist Way of Life journey.
I am a member of Guisborough Methodist Church, together with my wife, Sandy—a local preacher. I was an ordained Anglican minister for almost four decades, and the local Methodist circuit has commissioned me to take this role of encouraging and facilitating MWoL in the Cleveland and Danby Circuit. In this ministry, I will be working with the Circuit Leadership Team, overseen by the Superintendent Minister, Richard Sharples.
Are you ready to jump on board and start the journey?
Paul Walker
(Circuit MWoL Facilitator)