What We Offer During The Week
GMC is a busy hub of activity throughout the week. It's rare to walk past the church and see the doors locked! Here's a brief roundup of our weekday schedule. Click on the dark brown buttons to be taken to a page where you can find out more.
Our Weekly
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10.00 am-noon Good Neighbours
1.30 pm Women’s Fellowship
10.00 am-noon Good Neighbours
10.00-11.00 am Prayer Group
10.00 am-noon Bridge2Parents
7.00-9.00 pm Trefoil Guild
10.00 am-12.30 pm Food Stop
1.00 pm Tuesday Toddlers
2.00 pm T@2 (formerly MWiB)
5.00-6.30 pm Gener8 group
for 8-11 year olds
7.00-9.00 pm Credo Youth
Group for 11-14 year-olds
10.00 am-1.00 pm Bacon butties,
soup and roll, and hot drinks
10.00-12.30 Food Stop
2.30-4.00 pm U3A Singing for Pleasure
7.00-9.00 pm Guisborough Photo Group
6.00-7.30 Brownies (term-time)